
Dragon Strengths / Weaknesses & Health

A very important combat stat is the Health of your Dragon, which can decide between Life or Death of your Dragon!

By having a big amount of health you can even save yourself from a CRITICAL HIT!

below is a list of all the dragons in the respective 5 Tiers.

Tier 1 

Basic Dragons (Earth, Fire, Water, Plant, Electric, Ice, Metal, Dark)
Level 1-10: 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000
Level 11-20: 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000
Level 21-30: 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000

Tier 2 

Alpine, Flaming Rock, Cloud, Firebird, Laser, Medieval, Vampire, Mud, Tropical, Star, Hedgehog, Nenufar, Lantern Fish, Waterfall, Icecube, Mercury, Dandelion, Jade, Carnivore Plant, Fluorescent, Battery, Neon, Pearl, Zombie, Steampunk, Storm, Spicy, Poo Dragons

Level 1-10: 1650, 1800, 1950, 2100, 2250, 2400, 2550, 2700, 2850, 3000
Level 11-20: 3150, 3300, 3450, 3600, 3750, 3900, 4050, 4300, 4450, 4600
Level 21-30: 4750, 4900, 5050, 5300, 5450, 5600, 5750, 5900, 6050, 6300

Tier 3 

Vulcano, Blizzard, Platinum, Ice Cream, Hot Metal, Cactus, Coral, Gold, Rattlesnake, Mojito, Chameleon, Snowflake Dragons

Level 1-10: 2200, 2400, 2600, 2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600, 3800, 4000
Level 11-20: 4200, 4400, 4600, 4800, 5000, 5200, 5400, 5600, 5800, 6000
Level 21-30: 6200, 6400, 6600, 6800, 7000, 7200, 7400, 7600, 7800, 8000

Tier 4 

Hybrid Rare Dragons (Cool Fire, Soccer, Gummy, Petroleum, Pirate, Armadillo)

Level 1-10: 2750, 3000, 3250, 3500, 3750, 4000, 4250, 4500, 4750, 5000
Level 11-20: 5250, 5500, 5750, 6000, 6250, 6500, 6750, 7000, 7250, 7500
Level 21-30: 7750, 8000, 8250, 8500, 8750, 9000, 9250, 9500, 9750, 10000

Tier 5 

Pure + Legend Dragons (Wind, Mirror, Crystal, Legendary)

Level 1-10: 3300, 3600, 3900, 4200, 4500, 4800, 5100, 5400, 5700, 6000
Level 11-20: 6300, 6600, 6900, 7200, 7500, 7800, 8100, 8400, 8700, 9000
Level 21-30: 9300, 9600, 9900, 10200, 10500, 10800, 11100, 11400, 11700, 12000

Dragon Element Strengths and Weaknesses

This is the formula:
Name of Dragon - His Types of Elements - Elements that are CRITICAL to him - Elements that are WEAK to him - Elements that do 0 damage.

  • Alpine Dragon - Earth/Ice Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Fire AND Earth - Immune to Electric
  • Armadillo Dragon - Earth/Metal Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth AND Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Battery Dragon - Electric/Metal Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Blizzard Dragon - Water/Fire Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Cactus Dragon - Plant/Earth Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth AND Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Carnivore Dragon - Plant/Dark Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Chameleon Dragon - Earth/Electric Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Cloud Dragon - Fire/Water Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Cool Fire Dragon - Fire/Ice Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Coral Dragon - Plant/Water Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Crystal Dragon - Legendary Type - Legendary Weakness - Immune to Physical/Neutral Attacks
  • Dandelion Dragon - Plant/Ice Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Dark Dragon - Dark Type - Plant/Earth Weakness - Resists Electric AND Dark - Immune to Ice
  • Dark Fire Dragon - Dark/Fire Types - Plant/Earth Weakness - Resists Electric AND Dark - Immune to Ice
  • Dragonfly Dragon - Plant/Metal Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Earth Dragon - Earth Type - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Electric Dragon - Electric Type - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Fire Dragon - Fire Type - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Firebird Dragon - Fire/Plant Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Flaming Rock Dragon - Earth/Fire Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Fluorescent Dragon - Electric/Ice Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Gold Dragon - Metal/Electric Types - Electric/Dark Weakness - Resists Earth AND Metal - Immune to Fire
  • Gummy Dragon - Plant/Electric Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Hedgehog Dragon - Earth/Dark Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Hotmetal Dragon - Electric/Fire Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Ice Dragon - Ice Type - Fire/Metal Weakness - Resists to Earth AND Ice - Immune to Fire
  • Ice Cream Dragon - Water/Ice Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Ice Cube Dragon - Water/Ice Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Jade Dragon - Plant/Metal Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Lantern Fish Dragon - Water/Electric Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Laser Dragon - Fire/Electric Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Metal - Immune to Plant
  • Legendary Dragon - Legendary Type - Legendary Weakness - Immune to Physical/Neutral Attacks
  • Medieval Dragon - Fire/Metal Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Mercury Dragon - Water/Metal Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Metal Dragon - Metal Type - Electric/Dark Weakness - Resists Earth AND Metal - Immune to Fire
  • Mirror Dragon - Legendary Type - Legendary Weakness - Immune to Physical/Neutral Attacks
  • Mojito Dragon - Plant/Ice Types - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Moose Dragon - Electric/Ice Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Mud Dragon - Earth/Water Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Neon Dragon - Electric/Dark Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Nenufar Dragon - Water/Plant Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Paladin Dragon - Electric/Earth Types - Plant/Water Weakness - Resists Electric AND Ice - Immune to Metal
  • Pearl Dragon - Ice/Metal Types - Fire/Metal Weakness - Resists to Earth AND Ice - Immune to Fire
  • Penguin Dragon - Ice/Dark Types - Fire/Metal Weakness - Resists to Earth AND Ice - Immune to Fire
  • Petroleum Dragon - Water/Dark Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Pirate Dragon - Dark/Water Types - Plant/Earth Weakness - Resists Dark AND Fire - Immune to Ice
  • Plant Dragon - Plant Type - Earth/Ice Weakness - Resists Plant AND Dark - Immune to Water
  • Platinum Dragon - Metal/Ice Types - Electric/Dark Weakness - Resists Metal AND Earth - Immune to Fire
  • Poo Dragon - Earth/Water/Dark Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
    • Pure Dragon - Pure Type - No Weakness - Resists Pure - Immune to nothing

    • Pure (Earth/Fire/Water/Plant/Electric/Ice/Metal/Dark) Dragon - No Weakness - Resists Pure (Earth/Fire/Water/Plant/Electric/Ice/Metal/Dark) respectively - Immune to nothing
  • Rattlesnake Dragon - Dark/Plant Types - Plant/Earth Weakness - Resists Electric AND Dark - Immune to Ice
  • Robot Dragon - Fire/Metal Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Metal - Immune to Plant
  • Seashell Dragon - Water/Metal Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Snowflake Dragon - Earth/Ice Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Soccer Dragon - Ice/Fire Types - Fire/Metal Weakness - Resists to Earth AND Ice - Immune to Fire
  • Spicy Dragon - Fire/Plant Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Metal - Immune to Plant
  • Star Dragon - Earth/Electric Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Steampunk Dragon - Fire/Metal Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Storm Dragon - Water/Electric Types - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Tropical Dragon - Earth/Plant Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth AND Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Vampire Dragon - Fire/Dark Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Venom Dragon - Earth/Dark Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth and Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Vulcano Dragon - Fire/Earth Types - Electric/Water Weakness - Resists Fire AND Plant - Immune to Metal
  • Water Dragon - Water Type - Fire/Dark Weakness - Resists Water AND Plant - Immune to Earth
  • Waterfall Dragon - Earth/Water Types - Ice/Metal Weakness - Resists Earth AND Fire - Immune to Electric
  • Wind Dragon - Legendary Type - Legendary Weakness - Immune to Physical/Neutral Attacks
  • Zombie Dragon - Metal/Dark Types - Electric/Dark Weakness - Resists Metal AND Earth - Immune to Fire

    1. Replies
      1. dragon city cheats is quite helpful dragon city hack Just simply visit the Excellent internet page to check new dragon city cheats

      2. go away spam.

      3. What about the white knight dragon

      4. This is a attempt with no account for attack at 1013/1200/1350/1650/1800 and or lvl of dragon nor bronze silver gold or no rank nor lvl of bronze slv gold
        It is a SPAM said correct from start other then typing it is horrific basis for taking 2mb of web space......... Down with this crap

    2. Replies

        dragon city cheats

    3. really helpful thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. you should update this not all the dragons are available like viking...

      1. I've fought a few... *yawns*

    5. Cool Fire Dragon is wrong.

    6. thanks now i'm winning combats.........

    7. The Pure Elementals are slightly wrong. They *do* have immunities, to the basic form of their element.

    8. This list needs updating... since the recent update has introduced new dragons such as War and Light.

      These are the changed weaknesses of certain elemental dragons...

      Electric is no longer weak to Nature
      Flame is no longer immune to Nature
      Flame is immune to Light
      Ice now resists Dark, does not resist Sea
      Nature is no longer immune to Sea
      Nature resists Light
      Sea is no longer weak to Dark
      Terra is no longer weak to Ice, and is not immune to Electric
      Light is weak to Nature and Dark
      Light resists Ice and Light

    9. plss what is the weakness of pirate dragon i need it!

      1. terra is the weakness

      2. what is physical and neutral attack??

      3. It is a shot of fire hit it with magma and dead 10x over a trained attack the shooting fire five x dead and regular non trained the 650hit is critical The ship sinks...

      4. Fire magma if trained any is critical a sunk ship if we may...

    10. gotune armafillo sokarim sonra icinde yogurt yaparim

    11. Poo dragon is not immune to Electric type, at least not when I fought him.

    12. Sun dragon + Ice Cube dragon = cool fire dragon !!!

    13. There's nothing about wyern dragons?? I need help with them cuz im constantly up against them!

      1. The rolling hay balls they kill immediate... so the weakest thing kills it Try it guarantee it dies first hit

    14. What is the weakness of the King Dragon

    15. poo dragon is weak to war dragon.

    16. Update your damn page! You're missing tons of dragons and so many weaknesses have been changed/removed (Terra is NOT weak to Ice anymore!!! for one example) This page is neigh on completely useless, I can see there's been *sarcasm* great work put into the upkeep of this site! Bah!

    17. what,s the weakness of luminiscent dragon

    18. This was robbed from my guide lol and from my post on the forums. I have a new guide now, visit to see the new guide :D

    19. What about the bone dragon?

    20. Not so sure about the poo dragon being weak to ice. My Diamond dragon at the same level can't take him out with ice attacks. The critical weakness does not show when I attack with ice... I really wanted to know poo dragons weakness. Sorry, but i'm a new dragon city player and still trying to learn how types match up in this game.

    21. what about deus pet dragon

    22. Soccer dragon : fire weakness and immune to fire??? One of them must be wrong.

    23. Augh! I can't stand these incorrect numbers regarding assessments of what health dragons have at what levels. These numbers were obviously just thrown up somewhere and then copied and pasted all over the internet, But ... they are WRONG.

      Here’s the list I have so far. No, these numbers were not gotten AFTER I'd fought with the dragons, so it had nothing to do with stars. My tactic is to hatch an egg and instantly feed it to level 9, so as to see if it would be a good fighting dragon. So, these numbers ARE accurate. The ones listed here, and elsewhere ALL OVER THE INTERNET, are wrong.

      10 elements 4940
      10 Wyvern 4510
      10 Daus pet 4510
      10 petroleum, monstrous, cool fire, burning dragon, wizard, gaia, archangel, rainbow, gummy, meteor, justice, armidillo: 4295
      10 Cloud 3712

      9 armadillo 3252
      9 rattlesnake, hot metal, venom: 3143

      I have 35 more to upload, which are ALSO listed incorrectly on this and other blogs. I may come back and give their information another time.


    24. what these three war dragon weakness red woods dragon,panzer dragon& leviathan dragon

    25. if it would be a good fighting dragon. So, these numbers ARE accurate. The ones listed here, and elsewhere ALL OVER THE INTERNET, are wrong. learn more

    26. Ice is not armadillo's weakness!
